Empowering Call Centers, Driving Affiliate Success.
Tripater Is The Place Where Call Centers Thrive with Affiliate Opportunities.
Tripater Is The Place Where Call Centers Thrive with Affiliate Opportunities.
Services We offer
Choose from our complete in-house services, or let’s create a custom solution together.
With up to 60% commission, we've got some of the highest-paying offers in the industry
Unlike the measly 30 days most networks give you, our delicious cookies last forever
Give chargebacks the middle finger and always keep your commissions from every sale
Create successful sales campaigns with a treasure trove of free promotional resources
Get expert marketing advice, insider knowledge, hot off the press news and more
We own all our brands so we can ensure they always remain competitive and perform highly
Ongoing support from industry pros to help you grow your business and achieve your goals
Never miss a sale with reliably accurate multi-level tracking for all your clicks and sales
Do I have to pay to join?
Nope! It’s absolutely FREE to join. Just sign up, verify your email address and access your new account right away. Easy peasy!
Do I need to sign a contract?
No, but we might ask you to submit some form of identification, just to ensure you can get your first payout without any problems.
I’m totally new to this affiliate marketing thing. Where do I start?
Welcome to the wonderful world of affiliate marketing! It can all seem a bit daunting at first but don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Once you join, you'll get access to our reward system, full welcome training program, as well as access to a huge Facebook group.
Do I need to have experience in affiliate marketing to be successful?
Absolutely not. Once upon a time, even the most successful affiliates were clueless newbies! But you should at least have a passing interest in the area you’ll be promoting or you’ll find it’ll all get pretty boring, pretty quickly. As long as you’re eager to learn and willing to put the time and effort into growing your affiliate business, there’s absolutely nothing standing in your way of becoming a successful affiliate.
Will you help me become a successful affiliate?
Of course! Some of our most successful affiliates were complete newbies when they joined! Whether you’re new to affiliate marketing or not, we’ll give you ongoing, expert guidance in improving your traffic and sales and help you become a competent, successful affiliate marketer (and we’ll get you there way quicker than if you go it alone). Once you join, you will get access to our reward system and all new affiliates get a full welcome training program as well as access to a huge facebook group.
How much money can I make as an affiliate?
As much as you’re willing to work for. Some of our affiliates are earning thousands of dollars every month. Because they work damn hard for it. Some affiliates make nothing. Affiliate marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Despite what all those “gurus” will tell you. It’s not easy. And you have to work hard. But we’ll help you. And once you crack it, all the effort will be well worth it. Those affiliates earning thousands of dollars a month? Every one of them started out as a total affiliate marketing rookie, just like you. Anyone can do it. But not everyone has got the attitude, determination and drive to do it. Have you?
How much commission will I get?
Loads. All new affiliates start with 40% commission as standard. Work your way up the tiers to earn more.
Do I need a website to be an affiliate?
No! There are lots of ways to make money in affiliate marketing. Just think of affiliate marketing as running a marketing business and selling products in exchange for commissions. The world is your oyster.
Will you give me advertising material to use?
We give you a whole bunch of cool stuff to help you promote the products. Once you've signed up and logged in, you'll find all the advertising material you need to start promoting. If you need anything bespoke, we can recommend tons of tools to help.
Can someone take a look at my work and tell me how I'm doing?
Sure thing! We have a whole community on Facebook who can help give you feedback and suggestions. Don't be shy!
How do you track my visitors? I want to make sure all my sales will be tracked.
Whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link a cookie is dropped onto your visitors computer and we record their IP information. We’ll then redirect that person to the brand website where they will (hopefully!) proceed to make a purchase. You can see every new click you get in the stats area of your account.Whenever someone makes a purchase we track this for you. We check the purchaser’s cookie and IP data to see if it matches your click, and then – yay for you – we assign your commission for the sale! We use industry-leading tracking software Everflow to track all your sales. And we reckon it’s probably the best, most reliable and accurate tracking system in the world.
How long do you store the cookie on my visitors computer for?
Forever! Most affiliate networks only give you a measly 30-day cookie period as standard. Which means unless your visitor buys from the advertisers site within 30 days, you won’t earn any commission for that sale. We give you lifetime cookies. Which means you’ll still get the commission for the sale regardless of whether someone takes weeks, months, or even years to buy.
Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how Tripater Media can help you achieve your goals. Our email is available for your convenience.